Attendance Procedures

  • Notify SHHS of an absence/tardy online *New Form*

    Notificar a SHHS de una ausencia/llegada tarde en línea *Nueva Forma*

    When a student is absent, missed instructional time is impossible to replace. Smoky Hill High School is dedicated to ensuring your child attends school to the greatest extent possible, and with the proper support and structures in place, they will be successful. Colorado state law requires every child between the ages of six (6) and seventeen to regularly attend school.

    For the protection of students and the accurate monitoring of attendance, please follow the procedures below:

    Report an absence online or call the Attendance Voicemail line prior to 2:00 p.m. on the day of the absence. Attendance lines are not answered directly. When calling, please leave:

    • Student’s name (spelling the last name)

    • Date of absence and total time out missed

    • Reason for absence

    • Grade of student

    • Parent/Guardian’s name

    • Phone number you can be reached. Please inform us of changes in home or work phone numbers.


    Attendance Voicemail: (720) 886-5450 


    A tardy is considered as missing the first ten minutes of a class period. All students must check in at a tardy station if they are tardy. We have three tardy carts located around our building: one in the Activities Hallway, one in the 300/400s Collab Space (first-floor), and one upstairs in the 200s Collab Space (for 1st period ONLY). 


    Students who are more than ten (10) minutes late for any class will be recorded as an unexcused absence. 


    Unexcused Absences (A-Z): Denmark or Unexcused Presents (A-Z): Cochrane


    Any student that arrives after ten minutes into the period, will need a Unexcused Present (UP) pass to enter their classroom. Attendance will be updated by their teacher. 


    Remember, reporting an absence or tardy does not mean it will be excused. For a complete list of excused absences, please refer to CCSD Board Policy JH listed below.


    To arrange for your student’s early dismissal and/or appointment, send a note with your student to obtain an early dismissal pass from the Attendance Office before school begins. If you need your student for immediate release, call the main office at 720-886-5441 for assistance. Students who leave without following the above procedure will be referred to the Dean.

    Absences that are not excused within 48 hours will require a Dean’s approval for changing an absence to “Excused”.


    If you believe your student was marked tardy or absent in error, your student should communicate directly with their teacher to clear up any discrepancy. If any corrections need to be made, your student’s teacher will email the attendance office with any corrections needed. Due to call volume, the attendance office cannot contact your student’s teacher for you. 


    Our computerized parent notification system will contact you four times a day to inform you of unexcused absences. A call to the Attendance Office to excuse the absence on the day of the absence will prevent the computer from calling you. Every effort is made to update PowerSchool in a timely manner; however, changes may take up to 24 hours to reflect in your student’s record. We appreciate your help in following these procedures. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your student’s Dean.

    A-K: (720) 886-5449              L-Z: (720) 886-5448



    To ensure your child attends school to the greatest extent possible, we had to revamp our former attendance process.  Below is our plan to address tardiness and absenteeism here at Smoky Hill through academic interventions and support. District guidelines for tardies and absences are the same (see CCSD Board Policy JH); however, our interventions within the building had to change in order to recover academic instruction missed. For a breakdown of the attendance interventions, please click here.  




    The following shall be considered excused absences:


    1. A student who is temporarily ill or injured, or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on a pre-arranged basis.  Pre-arranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a serious nature only, which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours.

    1. A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability.

    2. A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school.

    3. A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration.

    4. A student who is absent in observance of an established religious holiday.

    5. A student whose absence is approved by the building principal at the request of the parent or guardian.

    6. A student who is suspended or expelled.


    The District may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources.


     If a student in an out-of-home placement (as that term is defined by C.R.S. § 22-32-138(1)(e), is absent due to court appearances and participation in court-ordered activities, such absences shall be excused.  The student’s assigned social worker shall verify the student’s absence was for a court appearance or court-ordered activity.




    For questions or concerns regarding your student’s bus being consistently late, please contact District Transportation at 720-554-4664, Option 2 between the hours of 5:30am-6:00pm.